Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) or Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) are a category of developmental disorders that are marked by deficits in communication and social interaction along with stereotyped or repetitive and rigid ways of functioning. Children with ASD very often show atypical sensory perceptions (for example: hypersensitivity to sounds). The exact nature of deficits and the level of impairment differ from child to child.
The cause(s) of ASD (or any of the PDDs) are not yet known. Several possible causes have been associated with and implicated in causing PDD and/or Autism Spectrum Conditions but no single cause or underlying neurological substrates have been isolated.
Behaviour management and training starting at a very young age goes a long way to reduce impairments later on in life. Management and intervention with children diagnosed with PDD/ASD is usually based on Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA) principles of behaviourism. Some of the well known method of intervention with children with ASD are mentioned below.
- Discrete Trial Training (DTT) to work with children with developmental disabilities. His method has become synonymous with ABA itself.
- Treatment and Education of Autistic and Communication related handicapped Children (TEACCH) is a comprehensive system of intervention for children with ASD.
- Early Start Denver Model (ESDM)
Children falling within the PDD/ ASD spectrum are said to be visual learners. The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) has been widely used as a means to aid communication for children who have difficulties with typical verbal communication.