Special education is the individually planned and systematically monitored arrangement of teaching procedures, adapted equipment and materials, accessible settings, and other interventions designed to help learners with special needs achieve a higher level of personal self-sufficiency and success in school and community than would be available if the student were only given access to a typical classroom education.
Special education is an additional service, support, programs, specialized placements or environments to ensure that all students' educational needs are provided for.
Why special education?
Differentiated education is a modified form of the basic education program, meaning that the same material is covered yet in a different way. Through differentiation, material is broken down in line with the students’ needs depending on the difficulties the child needs to overcome in order to effectively learn.
Research data show that children with disabilities spend 80% of their time in general education classrooms, which means that they attend regular education. In other words, they learn the same material, except that certain things are done differently. Thus, for example, potential difficulties with reading or writing will be resolved through oral exams. In that sense, special education should be an integral part of the basic education program with teachers trained to work in an inclusive learning environment.
The most important mission of special education is to provide students with special needs with development opportunities and a learning process that will improve the quality of their life. This can only be done through the cooperation of schools and government institutions that provide free appropriate education. This way, children acquire knowledge in line with their unique needs and abilities, with the help of special educators and advanced classrooms.
This process has a great value for society as a whole, because special-needs children get the opportunity to be accepted into the community, which helps them to become more independent and happier, surrounded by people who understand their needs and support them at every step of the way.
An assessment in special education is the process used to determine a child’s specific learning strengths and needs, and to determine whether or not a child is eligible for special education services. Special Education support goes beyond what is normally offered or received in the regular school/classroom setting. Thus, Special Education not only takes care of academic education but helps in different areas of cognitive development (as described above)to improve quality of life of a child. The Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for the child takes care of the individual needs and education of the child in the following areas:
Attention (awareness of others, objects, or activities):Attention goals focus on sustained attention; joint attention; and shifting attention from event to event, object to object, object to person, and person to object.
Imitation: Imitation is an essential prerequisite skill in learning from others. Imitation goals include imitation with objects, motor actions, oral motor actions, vocalizations, verbalizations, gestures, academic tasks, and social skills.
Communication:Communication goals focus on expressive and/or receptive language and include verbal or augmented communication skills, social-communication skills, and the use of functional communication systems to provide alternatives to challenging behaviours.
Social development:: Social development is a core deficit area for individuals on the autism spectrum. Goals in this area include body language, manners, conversation skills, friendship management, cooperative play skills, self-regulation, empathy, and conflict management, among others.
Play: Developmentally appropriate and functional play skills are targeted as an avenue to increase social skills with peers.
Cognitive development:Cognitive goals include a focus on conceptual development, problem-solving, academic performance, and executive functions (i.e. flexible, strategic plan of action to solve a problem or attain a future goal).
Challenging behaviours: The function of challenging behaviours are identified and appropriate alternative behaviours are taught using positive behaviour supports.
Sensory and motor development:Individual differences in motor and sensory functioning are identified and planned for, including tactile/touch, visual, smell, sound, and taste; environmental stressors are identified and modified.
Adaptive behaviour: Essential life skills, including hygiene, self-help and safety are considered and planned for in order to enhance personal independence and create opportunities for greater community participation, including independent living, working and recreating.
Recreation/Leisure/Physical Education:Recreation skills are important goals as they enhance cognitive, social and motor skills; enhance relationships between self and environment; shape appropriate use of unstructured time; increase opportunities to get physical exercise and stay healthy; and increase enjoyment of life.
Procedure of occupational therapy
Special education services are designed to address each student’s individual differences and needs to improve cognitive and academic skills.
We at Adhyayan, provide remedial services for children with academic issues. In one-to-one sessions, the special education teacher has the opportunity to provide more intense support to help develop the child’s personal-social, adaptive, and cognitive skills.
Educational plans are developed based on evaluation results and strategies and techniques are developed to meet the goals and objectives. Teachers also design and implement behavior modification programs.
Special education services can be given to children with:
- Cerebral Palsy
- Autism
- Down Syndrome
- Dyslexia
- Learning difficulties